Johnson County

Traffic changes on S.R. 37 at S.R. 144 tomorrow


Johnson County, Ind. – Motorists traveling on and entering northbound S.R. 37 from S.R. 144 should be aware of traffic shifts that will be in place beginning the morning of Friday, Nov. 10.

Northbound S.R. 37 traffic will be shifted onto the new pavement in a single-lane configuration starting at Banta Road and carrying through to Olive Branch Road in Johnson County.  All northbound traffic will be in the right lane for this entire stretch, allowing crews to work in the median and on the inside shoulders.

Because northbound traffic is in the right lane, traffic entering from the S.R. 144 northbound on-ramp will merge into an active traffic lane.  Both through and merging traffic should exercise caution at the merge point.

Signage indicating the single-lane traffic and the merge point will be placed on S.R. 37 and at the top of the northbound entrance ramp. Motorists are strongly encouraged to slow down, follow the posted 45-mile-per-hour speed limit, and be aware of changing traffic conditions.



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