What is a Weigh-in-Motion System?


ILLUSTRATION: Typical WIM system on a 4-lane roadway.

Drivers may have noticed overhead cameras while traveling north on Interstate 69 just past Southport Road and wondered, “What is that?” Many are asking the same question.

The cameras are part of a weigh-in-motion (WIM) system that helps count, classify, and weigh vehicles for planning and reporting purposes. The system uses in-pavement sensors that are synced with the overhead cameras to confirm vehicle information.

Departments of transportation across the country use WIM systems to capture and record axle lengths and gross weights to enforce size and weight requirements for commercial vehicles. The systems also help law enforcement identify repeat oversize/overweight vehicle violations. Overweight vehicles cause dramatically more damage to roads than legally loaded vehicles.

PHOTOS: WIM system on I-69 northbound. **There will also be a new WIM system installed on I-465 EB and WB between I-69 and US 31.


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